Standard may be attractive! In line with the brand's claim, this intercity bus points the way in terms of engineering and design. Compelling proportions and forward-thrusting dynamics underline its singularly expressive appearance to form a smooth, cW-optimized bus silhouette. The flexible concept as a modular system allows for deployment all week long. A variety of special features is available to turn the bright interior into anything from a school bus to a scheduled-service bus in which driver and passengers alike can enjoy an attractive yet very functional atmosphere. Ergonomically designed, the driver's workplace is clearly structured.
Moritz Menacher - Lead Designer Projekt, Thorsten Bergmaier-Trede, Achim Burmeister, Ramazan Dikici, Sven Gaedtke, Holger Rix, Michael Streicher, Stephan Schönherr - Head of MAN Bus Design, Holger Koos - Head of MAN Design