In the world of toddlers, the high chair plays a central role as it allows them to partake directly in the world of grown-ups, until they can finally sit on a normal chair by themselves at the table. Designed to closely meet the expectations of all parties involved, the Stokke Steps emerged as a high chair solution that focuses on the newborn and has the ability to be used up until school age. Particularly innovative is the formal and functionally convincing combination of bouncer and high chair. Stokke Steps is based on a modular system that covers and accommodates a child’s needs as it grows. While the youngest children need more support, older children can mostly sit unaided usually from the age of six months. In addition, the bouncer can also be used separately as a higher baby seat that allows interaction between parent and child. The high chair features a clear design language that lends the individual modules an age-appropriate appearance. The baby set highlights a sense of playfulness, while the junior chair with its precise lines blends well into almost any interior. The functional concept of this high chair allows easy and self-explanatory adjustment of all modules, which are made of high-quality materials including wood and leather. The Stokke Steps high chair thus ensures high longevity and provides the ability to also be later used for siblings or even by future generations.