Modern work environments often consist of flexible and open work in teams and seminar groups. MOVE.ME is perfectly adapted to this kind of everyday office style, offering a multitude of functional solutions. Impressively incorporating the concept of a mobile conference and meeting scenario, it consists of folding-leg tables, canteen tables, chairs, lecterns for sitting or standing and screens for visual privacy. These can be combined in the most diverse configurations, forming a clear, premium-quality language of form. In line with the flexibility of the meeting and training program, all components can be stacked or folded together to save space. An impressive eye-catcher is embodied in the intelligent and filigree thin steel construction. This makes the chair light as a feather and easy to transport. Furthermore, the moveable mount feature of the seat shell ensures relaxed and dynamic sitting. It is ergonomically well thought-out and supports any alteration in sitting position, something that is particularly important for long periods of sitting. Thanks to its filigree aesthetics and sophisticated modularity, it is suitable for the most diverse tasks, lending itself as an ideal allrounder for training and conference rooms, project groups, lecture theatres or canteens. In a highly consistent manner, it thus complements a product family that stands for a highly flexible concept.