Urban Landscape Design Project in Horikawa-Canal Area [Horikawa-Canal in Aburatsu]
Aburatsu is a historically water-oriented aquapolis in Miyazaki Prefecture where the architectural structures and improvements on the Horikawa Canal have been carried out as reconstructive and preservative measures of its historical heritage from the early modern era up to recent times. The location was taken as a scenic asset for the present development of waterfront design, which put into practice new methods of town planning that has roots extending into regional history and culture. Completely transparent design meetings were held with public participation in order to coordinate among the different property managers to realize a comprehensive design model for all the town's open spaces, including waterside spaces, streets, and plazas. The wooden roofed Yumemibashi (Dreaming Bridge) has also been well received for its distinctively local-flavored design, realized by traditional construction methods using local materials, without the use of metal fasteners or fixtures, and achieved through the collaboration of local craftsmen thought of as "specialist citizens." It has contributed greatly to the town's revitalization.