After Life Restaurant
The entrance is themed into a galley way has a wall made to feel like a mountain wall with a shelf placed with some burnt out candles and crystals hanging above, low enough just so that they don't touch your head but give a feel that they would, symbolising the need to always protect yourself from the hardships of life. The entrance foyer is done one with a drift wood tree trunk and a huge log wood chair that symbolises the arrival into the world of after life. The main restaurant is done with picture portraits of different people with varied facial expressions depicting the joys and sorrows and the tiny things that we missed out. The pictures hanging from the ceiling also make people think and remember some events of their life they may have forgotten or relive some of their best moments. The centre piece of the space is the bar shaped into a form carved out from a stone wall with a serpentine light fixture hanging from the ceiling in the centre of the island bar, symbolizing the ever evolving nature of life and how always life always goes on.