Despite being the market leader, Nestlé's Acti-V brand was in decline and faced increased tough competition from imported brands, as well as its sister brand Dairy Farm, because consumers were unsure of its point of difference and why they should pay more for it. In the year between May 2012 and May 2013 Acti-V’s sales declined by -10%.
To address this the packaging was redesigned, making the functional benefits appeal on an emotional level, whilst clearly illustrating the additional benefits of FORTIS and why this was worth the premium price. The new pack increased market share by 3.6%, without cannibalising sales from its sister brand, in a market that grew by 10%. In fact Acti-V's increased sales outperformed the market growth by 1%, actually growing the yoghurt category in Hong Kong. The brand's sales increased by 37% in one year and share of the yoghurt market grew from 6% to 9.6%.